Though the rhyming may be painful, I have composed a viral limerick for class which I reproduce here in honor of the success of oral rehydration therapy-- apologies for propagating bad poetry.

A Viral Limerick Composed by Cat

There once was a virus called Rota
Liked by babies not one iota
But help came you see--
In the form of ORT
Now they grow up to drive Toyotas.

Below is a cartoon, drawn by Arnt J. Raae, which illustrates the infectious nature of rotavirus as well as its characterisitc electron micrograph appearance of a wheel.

Used for educational purposes
Copyright 1989 Arnt J. Raae
Published in A Practical Guide to Clinical Virology, edited by G.Haukenes, L.R. Haaheim and J.R. Pattison. New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1989.
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